About Us
The HCHR Campaign is a grassroots community-labor campaign with the goal of securing the fundamental right to health care for all individuals in Washington State & our nation.
It is made up of supporting organizations and individuals from throughout the state standing together to create a health system that reflects our principles.
Our Principles
We, the people of Washington State, come together to secure the fundamental right to health care for all individuals. It is not a privilege or a commodity. We must act now to create a health care system that promotes public health and the general welfare through laws, policies, and financing guided and shaped by human rights principles.
What human rights principles guide us and what do they mean?
Universal Access: Everybody in. Nobody out. Universal means everyone has access to healthcare.
Affordability: There are no financial barriers. Everyone can afford to use the healthcare system and access all needed care.
Availability: Full range of benefits as well as facilities and services—including patients’ free choice of trained professionals—are available to all.
Equity: Health care services are delivered in an equitable way, addressing the unique needs and health risks of each human being.
Equality: There is equality for all, without discrimination. The dignity and cultural traditions of patients are respected.
Quality: Each individual enjoys the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, receiving the right care at the right place and at the right time – safe and high quality care.
Participation: Individuals and communities are able to participate actively in the decisions that affect their health, including the development and delivery of health care services.
Accountability: Each part of the health system ensures accountability to patients and the community with appropriate staffing, standards, monitoring and remedies.
Transparency: Information about the healthcare system is transparent, understandable and readily available to all. People have easy access to their personal health information.
Download Principles in: Chinese – English – Russian – Spanish – Vietnamese
Steering Committee
Works to define the overall strategy and budget of the campaign, develop meeting agendas, and ensure that organizational members are supporting campaign core principles. It is comprised of individuals representing sponsor organizations who are dedicated to the HCHR Campaign. Members will include a balance of labor and community organizations; the committee may expand in accordance with campaign goals and progress.
Currently includes representatives from the American Federation of Teachers WA, Health Care for All – WA (HCFA-WA), Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance AFL-CIO, Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, Community Health Plan of WA, NAACP Seattle-King County, North Seattle Progressives, Northwest Health Law Advocates (NOHLA), National Organization of Women Washington(WA NOW), Pacific Islander Health Board, Physicians for a National Health Program – WA (PNHP-WA), Puget Sound Advocates for Retirement Action (PSARA), SeaMar Community Health Centers, WA Community Action Network (WACAN), and Whole Washington.
Co-Chairs: Ronnie Shure (HCFA WA) and Nathan Rodke (WACAN).
Responsible for following and engaging in the work of the Washington State Universal Health Care Commission (UHCC). The UHCC was established in 2021, and its role is two-part: to recommend changes that can be made immediately to improve access to care for all Washington residents in the short term and to prepare the state to create a health care system that provides coverage for all Washington residents through a unified financing system.
Currently includes representatives from Health Care for All Washington(HCFA-WA), Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP), Washington Community Action Network (WA CAN), and Whole Washington. Everyone is welcome to attend the meetings!
Chair: Mo Brinck-Lund (North Seattle Progressives), Marcia Stedman (HCFA-WA), and Raleigh Watts (Whole Washington).
Responsible for legislative and policy research, producing white papers or model legislation, producing/commissioning/vetting key research reports that advance our campaign, identifying tools and resources from other states that help advance policy in Washington, and analyzing proposals that emerge. The work of this committee includes tracking progress at the state and federal level.
Currently includes representatives from ACLU WA, Faith Action Network, Health Care For All Washingzton (HCFA-WA), North Seattle Progressives, NW Health Law Advocates (NoHLA), Puget Sound Advocates for Retirement Action (PSARA), Physicians for a National Health Program Western WA (PNHP-WW), WA Protect our Patients (physician group), WA State Nurses Association (WSNA), and Whole Washington.
Co-Chairs: Hawa Elias (CHPW), Max Lau (Children’s Alliance) and Emily Brice (NoHLA).
Policy and Research
Membership and Organizing
Responsible for creating and executing organizing plans at the grassroots and coalition levels to continually advance the HCHR WA campaign.
Currently includes representatives from IAM 751 (Boeing Machinists) Retirees Club, Pro-Choice Washington, National Organization of Women Washington (Washington NOW), North Seattle Progressives, Puget Sound Advocates for Retirement Action (PSARA), Retired Public Employees Council of WA, Seattle Indivisible, WA State Alliance for Retired Americans, and Whole Washington.
Co-Chairs: John Godfrey (WACAN) and Amy Leong (APALA).
Sponsor Organizations
Organizations that make a significant investment of resources (financial, staff, or time), and who, in addition to attending general meetings, serve on committees or subcommittees. Sponsor organizations have one vote at general meetings and appoint a designated representative to give the vote.
Alliance for a Healthy WA
American College of Nurse-Midwives – WA Affiliate
American Federation of Teachers WA
Asian Counseling & Referral Service
Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance Seattle, AFL CIO
Backbone Campaign
Carolyn Downs/Country Doctor Community Health Centers
Children’s Alliance
Coalition of Black Trade Unionists Puget Sound Chapter*
Community Health Network of WA
Democratic Socialists of America – Tacoma
Doctors for America – WA Chapter
Economic Opportunity Institute
Faith Action Network WA
Health Care for All - WA
League of Women Voters of Washington
LELO (Legacy of Equality, Leadership & Organizing)*
Machinists District 751 Retirement Club
NAACP Seattle-King County
National Organization for Women – Tacoma
National Organization for Women – Washington
North Seattle Progressives
Northwest Health Law Advocates
Pacific Islander Health Board of WA
Physicians for a National Health Care Program-Washington
Pride at Work, AFL-CIO
Pro-Choice WA
Puget Sound Advocates for Retirement Action
Real Change News (was founding Ally)**
Retired Public Employees Council of WA
Save Secular Health Care WA*
SeaMar Community Health Centers
Seattle Indivisible
SEIU Healthcare 1199 NW
Somali Health Board
UAW Local 4121
Washington #insulin4all
Washington CAN!
Washington Federation of State Employees
Washington Poor People’s Campaign
Washington State Alliance for Retired Americans
Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO
Washington Working Families Party
Whole Washington
Allied Organizations
Organizations that sign on in support of the HCHR principles and are invited to general meetings where they have a voice, but not a vote.
Hand in Hand: The Domestic Employers Network*
International Community Health Services
Kadima Reconstructionist Community
Metropolitan Democratic Club of Seattle
National Alliance on Mental Illness Washington
One America
Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest and Hawaii
Aerospace Machinists Union 751
American Indian Health Commission of WA
Asian Pacific Islander Coalition — King County
Asian Pacific Islander Coalition — Pierce County
Casa Latina
Congregation Kol Haneshama
Project Access Northwest*
Seattle Indian Health Board
Seattle Raging Grannies
Temple Beth Am
UFCW 3000
Washington State Nurses Association
Our 2025 Policy Agenda
HCHR Leadership
2025 HCHR-WA Steering Committee
Emily Brice - NoHLA
Maureen Brinck-Lund - N. Seattle Progressives
Vanessa Clifford - WA Working Families Party
Claude Burfect - NAACP Seattle-King County & Coalition of Black Trade Unionists of Puget Sound
John Godfrey - WA CAN
Hawa Elias - CPHW
Jim Howe - AFT WA
Sybill Hyppolite - Wa State Labor Council
Amy Leong - APALA & LELO
David Loud - PSARA
David McLanahan - PNHP & Backbone Campaign
Gina Owens - WA CAN
Nathan Rodke - WA CAN (HCHR Co-Chair)
Jesus Sanchez - SeaMar CHCs
Ronnie Shure - HCFA WA (HCHR Co-Chair)
Lika Smith - Pacific Islander Health Board
Cheryl Wapes’a-Mayes - WA NOW
Janet Varon, Advisor - NoHLA
Health Care Is a Human Right WA is a grassroots community-labor campaign formed in 2014 to secure the fundamental right to health care for all individuals in WA State and our nation. At that time, the ACA was being implemented with the active support of many of our 22 original endorsing organizations. Despite the ACA’s major gains in coverage for the uninsured, standards of required benefits and insurance reforms, it was clear that that tens of millions would be left out, including undocumented immigrants. It was also clear that Congress and the Administration lacked the political will to go further towards enacting a universal national health plan, bringing costs under control and curbing the role of private insurance.
HCHR was chaired by WSLC President Jeff Johnson and later by WSLC Strategic Campaign Director Teresa Mosqueda. Our first focus was building grassroots support for WA to adopt a commitment to universal coverage in our state. We were inspired by the example of advocates in Vermont, who had won a state law recognizing health care as a universal human right and then planned to seek federal support through the ACA’s Section 1332 waivers. HCHR made significant progress through outreach and extensive canvassing, led by WA CAN. In 2015-16 we worked with progressive legislators and organized grassroots lobbying for a bill to establish WA’s goal of universal coverage by 2020, but HB 1321 did not advance.
The elections of 2016 brought the real threat that the ACA might be repealed. At the start of 2017, HCHR shifted gears to organize in defense of the ACA, Medicaid, Medicare and reproductive health and Planned Parenthood, and significantly broadened our organizational alliances for this campaign, which included a toolkit with key information about each Congressional District (see examples for CD 3 and CD 5), multiple sign-on letters to the WA Congressional delegation, media work and meetings with elected . We also pivoted to advocate Medicare for All as a national solution with 72 organizations signing on to a letter to Senators Murray and Cantwell. Our labor members led a successful effort for adoption of a resolution endorsing Medicare for All at the 2017 WSLC convention. WSLC Legislative Director Eric Gonzalez chaired HCHR after Teresa left to run for Seattle City Council - successfully!
Highlights Since 2017
Highlighted state and federal health care issues for election season; some member organizations and individuals participated in canvassing for progressive candidates
Worked with Rep. Jayapal to update and then promote the State Based Universal Health Care Act (SBUHCA) which adds stronger waiver options to the ACA to enable states to create universal public plans.
Eric Gonzalez, WSLC Legislative Director and HCHR Chair, leaves to be Legislative Director of ACLU WA at end of 2018. HCHR Steering Committee reorganizes leadership roles.
“Winning Universal Health Care: Federal, State and Local Action” Well-attended forum at El Centro de la Raza kick-started our work in Olympia and our federal advocacy; attended by Rep. Jayapal (by video) and 6 state and local legislators.
Worked to rebuild our Steering, Policy and Organizing committees and communications platform.
Helped advance Pathway to Universal Health Care bill in Olympia, leading to creation of Universal Health Care Work Group; helped get single payer advocates selected for the Work Group; supported many other health care gains in the legislative session.
Worked with Rep. Jayapal before introduction of her Medicare for All bill, HR 1384; helped make Seattle the first city to endorse it by resolution
Helped organize action on drug prices at Seattle Federal Building
Worked with Rep. Ro Khanna on reintroduction of the State Based Universal Health Care Act (SBUHC) and engaged national single-payer movement to support SBUHC as adjunct to the campaign for Medicare for All.
Helped organize HCHR’s labor members for resolution at WSLC convention reaffirming labor support for Medicare for All
Actively supported UFCW 21 grocery campaign and SEIU 1199NW/WSNA/UFCW 21 Swedish-Providence campaign and strike
General meeting adopted 2020 platform with nearly complete participation of HCHR sponsoring organizations
Supported UHC Work Group with public input and strategized with WG members to promote Option A (universal state plan, publicly funded and administered), which was supported by a majority of WG members in a final poll.
Further developed committees, communications and outreach, adding new member organizations.
Gathered broad organizational support for sign-on letters to WA delegation re: principles for just COVID relief, Health Care Emergency Guarantee Act (HCEGA)
Supported health care unions’ campaign for PPE and members participated in the protest movement for racial justice
Organized well-attended Zoom General meetings
with Rep. Jayapal, featuring Health Care Emergency Guarantee Act,
With Seattle City Council re: urgency of racial equity, acknowledging racism as public health crisis, need for police/public safety reform
Helped organize for the WSLC resolution reaffirming support for Medicare for All, which passed unanimously by roll call vote
Engaged with Governor's Safe Start Advisory Groups
Held 1st ever retreat, helping us deepen commitment to centering racial equity as key to strengthening our community-labor campaign’s capacity to win (“Desired State”).
Some member organizations and individuals lent active support and canvassed for state and federal election campaigns
Well-attended December general meeting adopted 2021 policy priorities.
2021: Top 10 Accomplishments
2021 WA Legislative Session wins on bills we prioritized: Permanent Universal Health Care Commission, Medicaid postpartum coverage, Cascade Care affordability, health system cost transparency, behavioral health consumer advocacy & crisis hotline, increase immigrant access, study on expanding dental therapy, preserve safety net funds, increase COVID and public health funding, capital gains tax.
Sustained federal advocacy for Health Care Emergency Guarantee Act, Medicare for All, SBUHC, and Build Back Better agenda
Organized 12 Congressional meetings with good cross-sections of our coalition, most with DC staff, 2 with Sen. Murray
Generated numerous action alerts and group letters to the WA Delegation
Sent substantive policy recommendations to Congressional leaders at request of Sen. Murray & Energy & Commerce Chair Rep. Pallone
Worked with growing number of national advocacy partners (Social Security Works, People’s Action, Physicians for a National Health Program, National Nurses United, Labor Campaign for Single Payer, Healthcare NOW, One Payer States, AFL-CIO . . .)
Well-attended teach-in on Medicare for All, Medicare Expansion & “Medicare Cliff” featuring Rep. Jayapal’s health policy director
For the 4th time since 2017, HCHR’s State Labor Council-affiliated members sponsored a healthcare resolution for WSLC convention supporting Medicare for All and, for the first time, SBUHC; passed by 94%.
Well-attended forum with federal & state lawmakers on next steps to universal health care
Generated WA legislators’ letter to Congressional Delegation supporting State Based Universal Health Care Act.
Universal Health Care Commission nominations: All 6 Governor appointees were nominated either by HCHR, our member HCFA-WA or both
Growing and strengthening our coalition
Recruited 7 new sponsoring members and 2 new allied members, good steps towards strengthening our community-labor coalition and centering BIPOC voices.
Worked with students in the the UW MPH Program and Tacoma CC Bachelors of Applied Science in Community Health program
Preparing for 2022
Adopted the 2022 Federal and State Policy Platform at December general meeting, with participation of 38 of our 39 voting (sponsoring) member organizations.
Formed “HUHCCS” subcommittee of our Policy Committee to support the UHC Commission and keep it true to its legislated goal: a universal, publicly funded health plan for all Washingtonians
Building a more sustainable organization - developing leadership, preparing for modest but sustainable funding system and stronger communications capacity
2022 Accomplishments
Historic Labor Wins:
2019 Strike by Swedish-Providence SEIU 1199NW healthcare workers led to an early settlement in 2022.
Washington State Nurses Association members at Seattle Children's Hospital Informational picket led to significant inroads in competitive wages and stabilizing staffing
Hosted a Voter Education and Registration Cookout in Auburn with a focus on BIPOC youth. WA CAN registered several new voters, many of them were young people. Lika Smith with Pacific Islander Health Board set up a table to distribute several different necessities to people in need of them: baby formula, diapers, face masks, hand sanitizer, and more!
Helped pass WA bills lowering healthcare costs (prescription drugs, balance billing) and budget provisos creating pathways to coverage for all adult immigrants.
Presented a post-legislature general meeting on What’s Next for Racial Equity and Affordability?
Joined with PSARA to launch state-wide and national campaigns to halt ACO REACH and Medicare privatization, supported so far by 123 WA-state organizations and over 860 community leaders.
Ten of HCHR’s WSLC-affiliated members submitted a resolution to the WSLC Convention to reaffirm support for health care as a human right and to call on the WSLC to begin a labor dialogue on how best to achieve universal health care in our state. It passed unanimously.
Brought consumer voices before the Health Care Cost Transparency Board to balance the outsized influence of hospitals and other healthcare industry interests.
Engaged the Universal Health Care Commission to keep them on track, true to their mission to design a public health care system for all Washingtonians with a unified financing system.